RD Editorial March 2022

Let’s pencil it in!

I don’t think I’m going out on an icy limb when I say that these last few weeks of winter tend to drag on a bit for many of us. It is a season of neither here nor there, of being flung back and forth from one extreme to the other. It’s hard to plan, hard to focus. We shouldn’t complain, but it passes the time. Though we know, intellectually, that we shouldn’t point fingers, we may harbour feelings of animosity toward groundhogs, and possibly toward marmots in general. Alack, it’s the human condition!

We thought it was kind of cute to grouse about 2021 being the worst year in recent memory. Now we are impatient for measurable improvements. Yet still we have viruses, avian as well as human, replicating themselves in viral fashion – and even a warty potato fungus that has seemingly conspired to divide us. As for the behaviour of our fellow man, there have been spectacles on both the domestic and the international stage that suggest we are afflicted with a plague of banty roosters.

Are you weary of trying to form coherent opinions about these matters? And wearier yet of trying to keep an open mind about the opinions of others? Of course you are! And you cannot be blamed for feeling a sense of dread with the approaching Ides of March. But fear not! Brighter days are ahead – literally, if not metaphorically. Soon, the frost will heave out of your bones, the sap will run freely through your limbs to your fingers and toes, and you will feel the warmth of the sun upon your face.

Until then, perhaps you should turn your attention to completely trivial concerns. Allow us to recommend the Rural Delivery crossword. Grab a pencil, if such a thing exists in your home, and get to work. It’s not up to the standards of the New York Times, but cut us some slack; we’re new to this. If you’re new to this too, take note of the fact that consulting the internet is cheating. Conferring with a friend, on the other hand, is encouraged. We will return to our regularly scheduled editorial blathering in next issue, when we will also print the solutions. That’ll be April. Can you believe it? DL


1. Hurled; 7. Plant support; 9. Variety; 11. First impressionist; 12. Harvest; 13. Satisfy; 16. Injector precursor; 20. To abound; 21. Stock shocker; 23. Steering gear; 26. Pulper; 29. Wee lie; 32. To join a scion; 33. Buddy; 35. Meadow show-off; 38. Soil ripper; 39. Too late to save; 40. Sap reduction; 46. Let’s make one; 48. Smallest state; 50. Light conversion; 55. Urea solution; 56. Sandra!; 57. Pressed fruit; 59. Just a feeling; 63. Rough tool; 64. Asexual or unresponsive; 65. Not much; 68. Province count; 70. Hinged fastener; 71. Deep drinker; 74. Canola; 77. Mr. White; 78. Two-by-four; 80. Don’t blow one!; 81. Reluctant; 85. Invisible waves; 86. Sweet unit; 87. Sharp swinger; 90. Cud compartment; 91. Oppositional conjunction; 92. Unscrupulous baron; 93. Milk protein


2. Gambrels; 3. One to bell, not to breed 4. Good dirt; 5. Tasty attractant; 6. Bordeaux; 8. Flower’s private part; 10. Capital on the Tiber; 14. To master; 15. Bitumen; 17. Gut juice; 18. Cut along grain; 19. Twisty stems; 22. With the centre removed; 24. Various organs; 25. Tiny egg; 26. Wheelwright plane; 27. Element for cans; 28. Relieve; 30. To dig; 31. Not sour; 34. Small buffalo; 36. Cob and husk; 37. Caviar; 41. Ingest; 42. Morse appeal; 43. Swedish island; 44. Jedi enemy; 45. Rock; 47. Tie treatment; 49. A good grass; 51. Final notice; 52. Shaft ridge; 53. Spigot; 54. Carpenter’s sinker; 58. Trim; 59. Avian orifice; 60. Are you over one? 61. Spielberg alien; 62. Are they all off? 64. Words that do; 66. Thanks; 67. Short album; 69. Skinny fish; 72. Pointy cant; 73. High BMI; 75. Heat; 76. Log spikes; 79. Mammary gland; 80. Tree gunk; 82. Stockholm quartet; 83. Sexologist (or Korean beer) 84. Vietnamese soup; 88. Give it another one; 89. Recede